Tag: Tips


Why Self Storage is Clearly the Way To Go

There are many scenarios for why you might need to invest in a self-storage facility. It might be to actually store things, or it might be a workspace area that you can turn it into very easily. The great news is that Mindful Workspaces & Storage has the solutions for you. And you are going


Five Reasons You Might Benefit From a Mindful Self Storage Space

Why are there so many self-storage units all over? What is everybody storing? Is there really a need for all of these self-storage facilities? Are they all full to capacity? The answers might actually surprise you. Well, nearly 40% of storage customers surveyed said they used self-storage for moving purposes. The next largest group surveyed


4 Things Self-Storage Investors Should Know in 2021

Self-storage had a strong start from 2010 to 2015. Limited supply and high demand drove development to record highs in 2018, which ultimately tipped the scale, causing an imbalance of supply and demand in many markets. The onset of the global pandemic in 2020 only created a new set of challenges for self-storage investors to


Mindful Workspaces & Storage is the Secure Choice

After reading a story about a storage unit getting broken into and robbed, we here at Mindful Workspaces & Storage decided to do a little research. We googled “storage unit security” and could not believe how many articles came up that showed how often these facilities get broken into and have things stolen. It was


Four Ways Businesses Use Storage for Efficient Space Management

Storage units can be used in multiple ways. From the conventional to highly creative, storage containers can help secure much needed space for both commercial purposes.  As a business owner, getting access to extra storage at a fair price is always a plus. Storage units provide a substantial return on their investment when used to


Organizational Planning Allows Storage Spaces to be Navigated Easily

One of the most important things about storage spaces that many people do not consider when loading up, is the organizational factor. If you’re someone who strives off of time management then this is one of the most important factors for your storage space. If you aren’t able to properly navigate your space and either

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